Phone: 07843 754239
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-5pm
​Booking Terms
Outdoor Mobility Booking FAQs and Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions for the use of Tramper SII Krystal:
I am responsible for my own safety and I will use the Tramper as instructed by site staff and with regard for the safety of other visitors at sites
I will only use the Tramper on recommended routes that have been safety audited and explained to me by staff at the hire location. I will not take the Tramper on any other routes or areas and I understand that doing so may affect my safety and would be entirely at my own risk.
I understand that staff at the site may refuse access to the Tramper if it is suspected that I cannot complete the safety demonstration, or I do not agree to these Terms and Conditions. Aggressive or violent behaviour towards site staff or any member of the public will not be tolerated and Tramper use can be refused on this basis.
I agree to note potential hazards that site staff bring to my attention and understand that the route conditions may change depending on the weather.
I understand that I will need to be accompanied by a non-disabled person at some sites. If using the Tramper unaccompanied at a site that permits this, I will carry a working mobile phone and site emergency telephone number and follow any additional safety procedures given to me by site staff.
I am 14 years of age or older. If aged 14-18 years I will always be accompanied by a parent, guardian, personal assistant or carer, regardless of whether a site permits users to be unaccompanied.
I understand Outdoor Mobility (OM) provides third party insurance and that this insurance is only valid if I abide strictly to the Terms & Conditions of use (not provided at ‘affiliated sites’ – please check with site for details).
In the event I cause accidental damage or injury to third party property and need to make an insurance claim but can claim under another policy, I understand OM insurers will only pay a share of the claim and that I must supply OM with the name and policy number of my insurance company.
I agree not to use the Tramper when under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or medication which could affect my ability to safely operate the Tramper.
I agree not to do anything to the Tramper except to make any necessary adjustments to the seat and handlebar controls and I will not hang anything on the Tramper handlebars or armrests.
I understand that the Tramper is given a safety check each day to ensure it is given to me in full working order, and with no less than 50% battery charge.
I will not allow anyone else to use the Tramper, carry passengers or animals, or be in control of a pet on a lead (registered Assistance Dogs permitted)
I agree to notify staff of any incident, accident, damage or operational difficulty involving the Tramper and complete a statement detailing the circumstances.
I will return the Tramper within the agreed time and understand that failure to do so will initiate emergency/recovery procedures
I agree to leave photo ID, a debit card or car keys for security, which will be returned to me when I return the Tramper in the same condition as when it was issued
I agree not to leave the Tramper unattended, unless I have removed the key and kept it with me, and it is not causing an obstruction
I agree to pay the full cost of any necessary repairs resulting from misuse of the Tramper
Tramper Hire FAQs:
How do I use the Tramper: If this is your first Tramper trip with Outdoor Mobility, please arrive 15 minutes before your booked slot and make yourself known to the staff at the site. This gives you and the staff time to go through a Tramper safety demonstration. The safety demonstration is mandatory on your first Tramper visit. Whether you have used the Tramper before or this is your first time, you can view our 5-minute video on How To Use A Tramper here.
What if I am late: Please contact the hire site directly to let them know if you are running late. If you do not contact the site, the Tramper can be released for other visitors to use on the day half an hour after the start time of your booking.
What if I have to cancel my trip: If you cannot make your allocated Tramper hire slot, please log on to your Outdoor Mobility Membership account and cancel your Tramper booking on the booking system. If you can, please also contact the hire-site directly to let them know. This allows for the hire-slot to be used by another Outdoor Mobility Member instead.
What if the hire site cancels my trip: It is your responsibility to ensure that all details are correct at the time of booking. In exceptional and unavoidable circumstances (such as Tramper breakdown or adverse weather conditions) the Tramper may not be available on the date booked. All reasonable efforts will be made to inform you in advance, using the contact details you have provided.
Will I have to pay a hire charge: Some of the Tramper sites may charge a hire-charge or invite a donation. We request that our partners do not charge any more than £2.50/hour. Most of our partners have no hire-charge.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
You can reach us by email on or by calling 07843 754 239.​