Phone: 07843 754239
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-5pm
Donate Today
Details of how to make financial donations and contributions to Outdoor Mobility.

A financial gift, whether small or large, one off or a regular standing order, is a wonderful commitment to helping make amazing places accessible to all. We are very grateful for all the contributions we receive.
You can make a donation via JustGiving by clicking the button below or by scanning the QR code with your phone. ​

£10 could help pay for our website, allowing people to book Trampers from the comfort of their own home, any time of day or night.
£20 could go towards the upkeep and repair of our Trampers, which are out on the trails in all weathers.
£30 could help fund our work to develop new Tramper sites to explore.

A financial gift, whether small or large, one off or a regular standing order, is a wonderful commitment to helping make amazing places accessible to all. We are very grateful for all the contributions we receive.
You can raise funds for Outdoor Mobility at no cost to you as you shop! We have partnered up with Easy Fundraising to make this happen.
BACS, Standing Order and Cheque
You, or your organisation, can make a one-off BACS payment or set up a standing order through your bank or building society. Our bank details are:
Outdoor Mobility
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00033034
If you prefer, you can send us a cheque, made payable to Lake District Mobility. Please post cheques to:
Ground Floor
Derwent House
Wakefield Road
CA13 0HS
Please tell us if there are restrictions on how we can use your donation.
Please tell us if we can publicised your donation on our website / social media.
If you are a UK tax-payer and would like us to claim extra 25% on your donation through Gift Aid from HMRC, please complete a Gift Aid declaration: