Phone: 07843 754239
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-5pm
Charities and Businesses
Making amazing places accessible with the support of communities, charities and businesses.

Outdoor Mobility can only make amazing places accessible with the support of communities, charities and businesses.
We already work with some incredible partners, such as Forestry England, Langdale Estate and North York Moors National Park, to name only a few.
We are always looking for new partners to work with to grow the Tramper scheme and to enhance the offer available at outdoor attractions to be accessible to an even wider and more diverse audience.
Find out about some of the ways we can work with and support your organisation:

Book an accessibility assessment for your venue
We can provide you with an accessibility assessment of a potential Tramper route and the facilities at your site.
Please contact us to discuss costs, find out more or to arrange an assessment.
Sponsor A Tramper
Instead of hosting a Tramper at your venue or business premises, you could sponsor a Tramper for use at another site.
This could be suitable for businesses that do not have an outdoors route, but who are looking for ways to engage with and support the community.
With your financial support, Outdoor Mobility would buy a Tramper with your business’ branding and place it with a partner site for the use of Outdoor Mobility members.
We would also take over the cost and effort of ongoing service and maintenance of the Tramper.
To discuss a sponsorship arrangement, please contact us.

Accessible Cumbria
The objective of Accessible Cumbria is to improve accessibility in the tourism sector in Cumbria. It is a collaboration between Outdoor Mobility, Cumbria Tourism, Lake District National Park Authority, National Trust, Lakeland Arts and Langdale Hotel & Spa.
We were able to secure £1,015 start-up funding from CLA Charitable Trust in January 2020.
This money will go towards researching and developing a website, which will be a one-stop shop for information on accessible tourism in Cumbria.
If you would like more information about Accessible Cumbria or want your organisation to take part, please contact us.
If you would like to discuss with us how we can work with your organisation, please contact us.
Book a talk for your charity or group
Here at Outdoor Mobility we want to tell as many people as possible about the Tramper scheme. We are also passionate advocates for making accessibility for all a priority in everyday life.
If you would like us to come and speak to your organisation about Trampers and the importance of accessibility, please contact us.